Wednesday, March 4, 2009

man, i don't care who you are...

that's funny


b l a h said...

mari! i didn't know you blogged!! and that photo is hilarious!! :) hope you're doing well!

Danno Banano said...

that place has amazing burgers. i lived a 5 minute walk away in tallahassee

About Me

My photo
I was born in cuba and came to america when l was 3. I married my college sweetheart and we have two oh so beautiful and very different girls [arden (biggums) who is 21, tall and majestically fierce and addison (little) who, to her delight, is finally 18 with hazel eyes and a smile that will melt your heart]. my motto is to live simply and love abundantly.
sometimes I sits and think, sometimes I sits and write, and sometimes I just sits...

just stories from my life...