Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aahh, ok, i've begun to let it sink in. today, little and i filled out all the forms for her dorm living in the fall. describe yourself [the application read] ... irreverently funny and likes to nap, a little OCD (but hey aren't we all?), makes friends easily but not really the cheerleader or theatre type ...(here we're trying to cancel out the really loud "oh my gawd" giddy girls and the "goth" existential girls.) we're giggling and laughing on the sofa. i'm coming around slowly but its hard. it ended up being sooo exhausting putting that much thought into describing who you are so that someone on the other end can try and find the right person to live with you. it was beginning to sink in for her as well. curling up, she snuggled in and promptly fell asleep on my shoulder. i continued filling out the parent section feeling the tears stinging in the back of my eyes. i didn't even want to move.

this past sunday afternoon we went to oviedo high's last play, the wizard of oz, to see little's bestest friend, ansley. who by the way made an adorable munchkin and a sassy witch was all going really well until dorothy started singing "somewhere over the rainbow" immediately i began crying. i couldn't help it. after the show i saw cynthia and randy... they had cried too. which made me feel so much better since randy is about 6' 7 . it seems like only yesterday we had just met in pre-school. the girls running off hand in hand to climb monkey bars and chase cute jared with his little rattail around the playground. time had stretched out before us as we made pb&j's, kissed skinned knees and tucked them into bed kissing them goodnight.

if you see me i'm pretty sure i'll be needing a hug.

to addie:

Now I've been smiling lately,

thinking about the good things to come.

And I believe it could be,

something good has begun.

Cat Stevens

this is the picture we've put in their senior yearbook...

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About Me

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I was born in cuba and came to america when l was 3. I married my college sweetheart and we have two oh so beautiful and very different girls [arden (biggums) who is 21, tall and majestically fierce and addison (little) who, to her delight, is finally 18 with hazel eyes and a smile that will melt your heart]. my motto is to live simply and love abundantly.
sometimes I sits and think, sometimes I sits and write, and sometimes I just sits...

just stories from my life...